The PlayStation 4 section has been updated at Monday, May 4, 2020. It contains 5601 cheats and codes for 2625 games. You may also navigate our complete games list. To get a list for all the games contained in PlayStation 4. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts on the Playstation 4, with a game help system for those that are stuck Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS.
While playing the game, press Up, Triangle, R, Select, X, L. Note: Activating rage while this code is enabled will cancel the unlimited health.
Infinite sprintWhile playing the game, press Down, Square, Left, X, L, Select.
Infinite rageWhile playing the game, press Square, Circle, Triangle, Select, X, Left.
All weapon dealers unlockedWhile playing the game, press Right, R, Circle, X, Select, Square.
Upgrade combat staminaThe Warriors Game Cheats Ps4
While playing the game, press X, L, Down, Square, Up, X.
Upgrade Flash capacityWhile playing the game, press L, X, R, L(2), Circle.
Upgrade FlashheadWhile playing the game, press Down, Left, Up(2), Square, Right.
Upgrade bum adviceWhile playing the game, press Circle(2), Down, R, L, Circle.
Upgrade hobo alliesWhile playing the game, press R(2), L, R, L, Up.
Complete current missionWhile playing the game, press Down, Square, X, Select, R, Left.
100% completion in Story modeWhile playing the game, press L, Select, Square, Down, L, Right.
Handcuff key dropsWhile playing the game, press Left, X(2), R, L, Down.
Handcuff dropsWhile playing the game, press Up, X, Up, Select, L(2).
Uncuff selfWhile playing the game, press Triangle(3), Select, Triangle, R.
Get brass knucklesWhile playing the game, press Circle(3), L, Select, Triangle.
Get knifeWhile playing the game, press Down(2), Select, Up(2), L.
The Warriors Game Cheats Ps4 Games
Get batWhile playing the game, press Square, R, Down(2), L(2).
Get unbreakable batWhile playing the game, press L(2), Circle, Up, Circle, Select.
Get pipeWhile playing the game, press R, Circle, Select, Up, L, Right.
Get macheteWhile playing the game, press L, X, R(2), Select, R.
99 credits in Armies Of The Night mini-gameWhile playing the game, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right.
The PlayStation 4 section has been updated at Monday, May 4, 2020. It contains 5601 cheats and codes for 2625 games. You may also navigate our complete games list to get a list for all the games contained in PlayStation 4. This list may be long, so it is not advised.
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